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CP JAPAN 綜合特許事務所

One today is worth two tomorrows.

Chinese Patent AttorneyLei YANG


  • Japanese
  • English
  • Chinese


Reading, Cooking, Hiking


Specialty-technology areas

  • Medicine, chemistry

Areas of expertise

Patent, utility model, trademark, design, IP consulting

Experience in patent practice in patent firms in China and in Japan from 2007 - present In China and Japan, she mainly engages in drafting patent specifications, intermediary work and translation for patent issues between China and Japan. She is highly skilled in Chinese and Japanese patent practice. While her technical concentration is on medicinal chemistry and biology, she handles various technical cases, mainly in the electrical and machinery fields through her work experience at patent offices in Japan and China. Her fluency in Japanese solves numerous IP issues that arose between China and Japan.

  • Masters (major in medicinal chemistry), Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Graduate School.

What we place great emphasis on is "Face to Face" (c) 2014 - 2019 CP JAPAN IP Attorneys. All rights Reserved.

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