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CP JAPAN 綜合特許事務所

Intellecutual property is the key of business.

Patent AttorneyYoshiko FUJINO


  • Japanese
  • English


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Yoshiko FUJINO

Specialty-technology areas

Chemistry, Life science, Structures, Plants , Controls

Areas of expertise

Patent, utility model, design,trademark, unfair competition,expert opinion,contract, litigation

Experience in patent practice from 2004 - present. After working for a patent firm in patent prosecution of various technologies, she worked for a major chemical company in patent prosecution, licensing, expert opinion, patent liaison, planning patent portfolio Strategy, and in-house patent training. She also has full of experience in obtaining patent rights in other countries.

  • Department of Biofunctional Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural Science , Kobe University
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Science

    • Japan Patent Attorneys Association
    • Business Research Institute Patent Strategy Staff Meeting(2015)
    • JIPA Licensing Committee (2018-2019)

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