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CP JAPAN 綜合特許事務所

Indomitable spirits

Patent AttorneySatoru ICHIDA


  • Japanese
  • English


Automobile, Motorcycle,
Nippon Kempo(ancient Japanese martial arts),
Shogi(Japanese chess)


Specialty-technology areas

Electricity Machinery (mobility related, especially tires)

Areas of expertise

Patent, utility model, trademark, design, unfair competition, litigation, IP license and consulting

After working in various technical fields, he started his career in the patent industry since 2011. He is mainly involved in drafting and prosecuting patent specifications related to machinery. He has a reputation for drafting patent specifications upon on clients' requests. Also, his JP patent specifications have a high rate of being granted patents in many countries (especially, US, EP, and CN), can be used worldwide.

  • National Institute of Technology (KOSEN),Wakayama College

    • Intellectual Property Management Skills Test Grade1 (2008)
    • Kansai Branch of Japan Patent Attorneys Association, IP Consultant(2016-2023)

What we place great emphasis on is "Face to Face" (c) 2014 - 2019 CP JAPAN IP Attorneys. All rights Reserved.

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